The animal production
Since 2006, the Farm specializes in breeding beef cattle.
In the early years breeding activity was focused on the development of the stock and the creation of appropriate conditions for this task. Now, when the stock size is around 200 units, livestock production is a significant income of the Farm. Target, along with improving our quality of arable land and meadows and pastures number of cattle should be even doubled. The two beef-cattle that are presently breeded are the Hereford and the Limousine breed.
Both breeds are held as hybrids. From November 2011, the production of pigs on the basis of Zlotnicka White breed is running simultaneously on the farm. Throughout the year cows and pigs are kept only for the period from spring to late autumn. This breeding is carried out in natural conditions, i.e the animals are kept at all times for this purpose houses. Only in the winter, breeding sows spend most of their time in areas which have access to the circular on the outside. Implores the sows occurs in booths, each with around a large circular. After farrowing, breeding sows remain with young for one month, then the youth is transferred to a large common quarters for pigs. Animal breeding on the farm is not only the production aspect, it also plays an important role in improving the quality, or even land reclamation. It also contributes to maintaining and improving biodiversity of flora and fauna occurring on lands of the Farm, particularly leads to increased soil fauna.